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Thursday, February 8, 2007

School Toilets Should not be decorated.Do you agree?

I totally disagree with this motion.

I think that toilets should be decorated beautifully as it would give the toilet more life and it would be more pleasant to look at.I think in that way as I have seen someone behaving in a way that amused me.

I in the toilet washing my hands when I saw a wierd boy staring at a painting hanging on the wall.I felt curious and went to have a closer look.The boy was actually admiring the painting!That is why I think that the toilet should be decorated , not because more people would start staring at the paintings but because the toilet would be more beautiful.

The toilet should be decorated also to relieve our toilet "stress".I think in that way as I have experienced it before.(easier to do buisness) I would not talk more about it as I do not know how to elaborate.

In conclusion, I think that toilets should be decorated